Batten Mount – What is this, please?
I am researching the South African family, the Makaula-Whites, who all lived in East Kent form 1904. I believe Irene, Eleanor and Claude lived at Batten Mount, Tenterden, in 1939. So what, please was / is Batten Mount? does anyone have any information on this family? I shall be enormously grateful for any information! Marika … read more
The Makaula-White Family
This South-African born family moved to East Kent in 1904. I’ve been told that Claude, his mother Eleanor and sister Irene lived at ‘Batten Mount, Tenterden’, perhaps in the 1930s. Does anyone know anything about them? Pleast help, as I am trying to write up the history of this family. With thanks, Marika Sherwood … read more
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Lost Love
I married a Tenterden girl back in 1989, sadly it didn’t last long, but her last words to me were … more
Batten Mount – What is this, please?
I am researching the South African family, the Makaula-Whites, who all lived in East Kent form 1904. I believe Irene, … more