Looks like it’s been years since folks have said “hi” here. So let me see if there is interest still.
The Tilden name came to the states in two places in the 1600s — The well known line of Nathaniel who came to Scituate, Mass., and which line begat Samuel J. Tilden, who ran against Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 for President of the United States. He famously won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral College. Many folks derive from this line.
But another line of Tildens, with Charles and Marmaduke, landed in Kent County, Maryland, across the Chesapeake Bay from Annapolis. This line had some “stars” as well. The Maryland line is mine.
There are many, many “coincidences” between the lines to be anything but related. However, for 100+ years no one has been able to prove the link in the UK.
I would love to communicate with any Tilden descendants to see where we all fit together. I have several genealogical friends as well who have dug into the lines, and we have DNA here and there as well. So write me at swtilden at earthlink.net and maybe we can make some connections…FINALLY!